Cave Forms is:
An ongoing inquiry instigated by Margit Galanter, with feedback and exchange with the primary movers mara poliak + Frances Rosario, in conversation through dancing with Asia Wong in the outdoor caves. Cave Forms expands time, makes time, and gives space for the invisible to reveal itself and be seen. The project is nourished through exchanges that forge its versions, inviting a transreceptivity in choreography, empowered through felt-sense choice-making and composition.

Darkness, no creativity, togetherness, star-gazing, reciprocity, perceptual vibrancy, gathering, seeing and being scene, hermeticism, constellating, fecundity, channeling.

As F/ Genesis said, “In-your-face Yin” 

There is a brocade of people who have influenced Cave Forms. This piece would be nothing like it is without those exchanges.

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PHOTO Above: by Avery Hudson, DESIGN: by Geana Sieburger with the Cave Artists

mara/dimension: drawing myself with / toward / into /// from inside the dark of the cave

mara/dimension: drawing myself with / toward / into /// from inside the dark of the cave